CBS aired a special tribute to Stevie Wonder February 16, 2015 called "We all know that face of Stevie Wonder the Motown phenom. But photographing him in a step down office under a Beverly Hills building was a challenge because the dark walls with pipes running up the walls made it almost impossible to find a background that would not be distracting. But having Mr. Wonder singing only for this photographer and Mr. Wonder's agent was a surreal experience. The original was shot on the...
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CBS aired a special tribute to Stevie Wonder February 16, 2015 called "We all know that face of Stevie Wonder the Motown phenom. But photographing him in a step down office under a Beverly Hills building was a challenge because the dark walls with pipes running up the walls made it almost impossible to find a background that would not be distracting. But having Mr. Wonder singing only for this photographer and Mr. Wonder's agent was a surreal experience. The original was shot on the ultra fine grain 25 ISO Kodak film. Long after publication in the Los Angeles Times, the reflection of a stobe light box with a yellow filter in a his glasses was removed and the other two colors of gelled lights were modified by hue and blurred. In addition to the colored lights one with a white light coming straight into the picture keeps the natural skin tones and his teeth appear correct in color. Client: Self promotion. (c) Jim Mendenhall 2015
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